Tuesday 11 November 2014

BowWow treats Fiancee Erica Mena to new RollsRoyce birthday gift+masquerade black tie themed party.

Erica Mena and Bowwow

BowWow  bought his fiancee Erica a RollsRoyce and treated her to a top notch exclusive black ball..

Erica Mena

Erica Mena

Bowwow and Erica Mena

She also shared some kind words for her Fiance..

"I never dreamed that I would find someone who challenged me to see the world in the way that you do❤️ A man who makes me laugh and love with abandon, a man who even after 8 years friendship, You are the only one who gives me butterflies when you walk through the door. I didn’t believe that I could find a man who would remind me every single day to dream bigger, to work harder, to open my heart to the possibilities of this beautiful life. You are My ❤️ I Love You @shadmoss106 This was the BEST Bday EVER #MenaBday #NOV8 #ScorpioSeason THANK You💋 Thank You To EVERYONE that came out for me last night."

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