Saturday, 27 April 2013

Too Sexy for Saudi Arabia?? Actor Omar Borkan Al Gala Ordered Out of The Country for Being Distractingly Good Looking..

Omar Borkan Al Gala ordered

The internet is awash with speculation that this is the man who was kicked out of Saudi Arabia for being too handsome. 

Omar Borkan Al Gala, a poet, actor, and photographer from Dubai, is reported to be one of three men removed from a festival in Riyadh earlier this month by religious police in the conservative Islamic kingdom.

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices in Saudi - where there are strict rules governing interaction between men and women who aren't related - had the men deported back to Abu Dhabi in case women should 'fall for them'.  The Dailymail reports..

Omar Borkan Al Gala chased out of country for being to handsome

More photos when you continue..
Omar Borkan Al Gala Latest Photos

Omar Borkan Al Gala latest photos and news

Omar Borkan Al Gala Saudi Arabia

Omar Borkan Al Gala Actor

Should we begin to head to the UAE now??!! woahh..


  1. he is really sexy ... i would rebel for him

  2. @Anon pls don't rebel for him ohh biko.. Lol.. Yea he sure is sexy..


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