Wednesday 9 October 2019

WAGS at war! #ColeenRooney accuses Rebekah Vardy of snitching on her to the press!

Coleen Rooney accuses Rebekah Carry of revealing details to the press

Here's Rebekah Vardy,married to footballer Jamie Vardy

Coleen Rooney accuses Rebekah Vardy of snitching about her to the press

And here is Coleen and her footballer hubby Wayne Rooney..

Well that's not why we are here..

We are here because Coleen seems to have done some detective work and realised Rebekah has indeed been sending private stories about herself and her family to the press not knowing that Coleen was infact baiting her..

Coleen Rooney accuses Rebekah Vardy of snitching about her to the press

Coleen Rooney accuses Rebekah Vardy of snitching about her to the press


Well Rebekah isn't backing down..

She's lawyering up!

Here's her response below..

With several publications indeed going to press with stories planted by Coleen herself,and with Rebekah being the only one with access it may seem as though,
we found a rat! 

We wait as this all unfolds!

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