Monday 26 May 2014

Who's this Twitter Kid with the Grown Up Face and reactions..

Omg am I allowed to like laugh or not?? Yes?? No? lol.. this guy's photo has been used in Hilarious memes and images because his reactions do not depict his age at all cos guess what?? he is just a year old!

His facial reactions and mannerisms infact I cant place how he  does it..His sister runs a twitter account for him cos he has kinda become an internet star because of the faces he makes 

More when you continue..

You can find him on twitter @RealBirdmanJrJr


  1. Hey Shallie dearie, just wanted to say a big thank you for Goodwill your message. I really do i appreciate it. By Gods grace i am well now. It sure means a lot to me God bless you, your blog and Blog readers abundantly. Amen!

    1. Yw dear thank GOD you're well and good now..May GOD continue to bless us with good health.

      Take care xx


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