Tuesday 23 July 2013

Photo: Beyonce's hair gets stuck in Fan's Blades During Performance..

Beyonce is your ultimate performer any day of the week! I mean Bey shuts down stadiums.
But on monday night, Bey was performing at her "Mrs Carter"  Montreal concert, some certain Fan decided to do Bey sum disservice and sucked in her hair Extensions  and they became tangled in the fan's blades.

But what does Bey do?? Carries on singing like a trouper before aides, assistants and security scamper left and right to get her off the hook.

Ouch! Beyoncé wasn't about to let the small matter of her hair getting caught in a fan get in the way of the Montreal leg of her Mrs Carter Show tour on Monday night

Beyonce saw the humorous side to the incident, rewriting the lyrics to Halo the song she was singing when the incident happened and shared with fans on IG

Joker: Luckily, Queen Bey managed to see the funny side of the incident, and later posted a handwritten note on her Instagram page, hilariously re-writing the lyrics to Halo to fit in with the fan calamity

Beyonce's writing tho.. Like WT..

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